For this blog, already download the data from Azure Open Datasets and follow the data preparation steps for the NYC Taxi data, as outlined in this tutorial, to make it ready for building your machine learning model.
Start by creating workspace object from the existing workspace. A Workspace
is a class that accepts your Azure subscription and resource information. It also creates a cloud resource to monitor and track your model runs. Specifically, Workspace.from_config() reads the file config.json and loads the authentication details into an object named ws.
ws is used throughout the rest of the code in this tutorial:
from azureml.core.workspace import Workspace
ws = Workspace.from_config()
To start, split the data into training and test sets using the train_test_split function from the sklearn library. This function divides the data into x, the features dataset for model training, and y, the values to predict, which will be used for testing. The test_size parameter determines the percentage of data allocated to testing, while random_state sets a seed for the random generator, ensuring deterministic splits.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
x_df = dflow_X.to_pandas_dataframe()
y_df = dflow_y.to_pandas_dataframe()
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x_df, y_df, test_size=0.2, random_state=223)
# flatten y_train to 1d array
The purpose of this step is to have data points that weren’t used during training to test the model, allowing us to measure its true accuracy.
To automatically train a model, follow these steps:
Submitting the experiment with these default settings will take approximately 10–15 min, but if you want a shorter run time, reduce either iterations or iteration_timeout_minutes. Use your defined training settings as a parameter to an AutoMLConfig object.
Use your defined training settings as a parameter to an AutoMLConfig object. Additionally, specify your training data and the type of model, which is regression in this case:
automl_settings = {
"iteration_timeout_minutes" : 10,
"iterations" : 30,
"primary_metric" : 'spearman_correlation',
"preprocess" : True,
"verbosity" : logging.INFO,
"n_cross_validations": 5
from azureml.train.automl import AutoMLConfig
# local compute
automated_ml_config = AutoMLConfig(task = 'regression',
debug_log = 'automated_ml_errors.log',
path = project_folder,
X = x_train.values,
y = y_train.values.flatten(),
To start the experiment locally, pass the automated_ml_config object to the experiment and set show_output=True to view live progress:
from azureml.core.experiment import Experiment
experiment = Experiment(ws, experiment_name)
local_run = experiment.submit(automated_ml_config, show_output=True)
As the experiment runs, you will see the model type, run duration, and training accuracy for each iteration. The “BEST” field tracks the best training score based on the chosen metric.
At this point, you can explore the results of the automatic training process using a Jupyter widget or by examining the experiment history. For example, with a Jupyter notebook, you can use this widget to view a graph and a table of results:
from azureml.widgets import RunDetails
Select the best pipeline from the iterations. Use the get_output
method to retrieve the best run and fitted model:
best_run, fitted_model = local_run.get_output()
To test the model’s accuracy, use the best model to predict taxi fares from the test dataset. Print the first 10 predicted values:
y_predict = fitted_model.predict(x_test.values)
To calculate the root mean squared error (RMSE), compare the predicted values to the actual values (y_test):
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from math import sqrt
rmse = sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, y_predict))
The result will indicate how far the predicted taxi fare prices are from the actual values. A lower RMSE suggests a better model. The rmse result is 3.2204936862688798.
The traditional machine learning model development process is resource-intensive and time-consuming. Automated machine learning simplifies this by allowing you to rapidly test multiple models for your scenario.