Machine Learning is an AI tool that uses mathematics and statistics to create a model that can predict unknown values. F(x)=y where x -> features and y -> labels we are trying to predict.
1) Supervised Machine Learning: Algo trained on labelled dataset (labels & features known)
2) Unsupervised Machine Learning: Algo trained without any predefined labels (features and labels not known)
To begin use of it, you need to associate resource created in Azure portal to Azure Machine Learning studio.
Azure Automated ML: automatically trains ML model by providing dataset and picking label i.e. automatically pick algo - ((DICY))allows to include custom python script - uses solns without need of programming.
Azure ML Designer: provides drag-and-drop interface/ canvas to train, test and deploy ML models - enables to save progress as a pipeline draft - allows custom python & R fns and not JS functions.
Refer to Lab 3 link Explore classification with Azure Machine Learning Designer
1) Prepare Data, 2) Train Model
3) Evaluate Performance:
Confusion Matrix: It is a tool to assess the quality of a classification models predictions.
Metrics that can be derived from confusion matrix: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 Score.
Refer to Lab 4 link Create a clustering model with Azure ML Designer
1) Prepare data
2) Train model: To train a clustering model, you need to apply a clustering algorithm to the data. K- Means Clustering Algorithm groups items into numbers of clusters, or centroids i.e. ‘K’.
3) Evaluate Performance: Metrics are Average Distance to Other Center, Average Distance to Cluster Center, Number of Points, Maximal Distance to Cluster Center, Silhouette.
5) Deployment: (explained earlier)
Computer Vision - manipulation and analysis of pixel values in images.
Azure Services for computer vision:
To detect faces in Vision Studio, first make face resource in Azure AI Vision and the upload and analyze photos.
Azure Services:
Azure Services:
Azure AI Document Intelligence/ Azure Forms Recognizer service: best way to read text from images of reciepts, invoices and forms, automates process of extracting, understanding and saving data in text
Process to make bot:
NLP Services:
3 Core Concepts: Utterances, Entities and Intent.
Azure Services
Azure AI Language - under which LUIS (Language Understanding Service) works - standalone service that offers authoring, training and prediction
Azure Cognitive Service - 1 service to rule them all! (NOTE: This can only be used for predictions and not for authoring models)
Conversational AI: AI systems that can chat with humans e.g. bot answering, automated responses Note: Conversational AI is only used for conversing, and is not same as NLP
Two core services: Azure AI Language and Azure AI Bot Service.